VIRPUS told LET a long time ago that he will send out Black Friday discounts. Now he has finally sent out a discount code. The strength is still good, 50% off for life, and the lowest SSD cache after the discount. XEN The annual payment for the architecture package is only US$12.5, and you can also choose a DA panel during the ordering process. The most important thing is: there is no price increase! Well, the customer service response of this company is indeed a bit slow. I don’t know if Wowrack has improved after accepting it, but the current discounted price is indeed cheap.

Taking the annual payment of the lowest package as an example, let’s take a look at the configuration and preferential information.

CPU: 2 cores

Memory: 512MB

SWAP: 1024MB

Hard drive: 25GB (SSD cache)/RAID10

Monthly traffic: 1500GB/1Gbps

Virtual architecture: XEN PV

IP/Panel: 1IPv4/SolusVM

Discount code: blackfriday2015   Test IP:

Click to go to the VPS order link →

The above discount code is a lifetime discount, and the renewal price is the same. It is valid until Saturday. If you need to hurry up if you have a short time, it does not mean that only the above one can be used. It is applicable to all packages including other monthly payments. VIRPUS is also a well-established foreign VPS service provider. It started in 2006. For a long time, it sold Kansas machines. In 2014, it was acquired by Wowrack. After that, the product data center was also transferred In Wowrack's own Seattle computer room, the virtual architecture is the XEN architecture, which is divided into SSD and SSD cache series. There is also a dedicated Windows system, but the price and configuration are higher.

###Updated at 0:30 on November 27th###The host provider quickly modified the usage scope of the discount code. It is currently restricted to only be used for SSD packages and Windows products. I’m dizzy!


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