Although a good VPS does not have a good habit, every time I encounter pictures when writing a blog, I upload them directly to the space. On the one hand, too large and too many pictures will affect the page opening speed. On the other hand, especially when we use foreign spaces Friends, each backup site data package is too large and the download time is too long, which is also a torture. Therefore, friends who build websites generally need a stable, high-speed and long-lasting image bed for saving some images in web pages.
If you really have a lot of money and spend money to buy a space specifically to display pictures, then you don't need to read this article. Hehe~ Where can I find a free and stable picture bed? I think many friends are struggling to find it. In fact, Baidu is right next to us. Its image gallery is a super stable image bed. It just requires us to use some tricks when linking to external links. Thanks to some enthusiastic heroes for providing cracking methods, I just share it with everyone.
Crack method:
First, we get the address of Baidu pictures, such as:, then we need When linking externally, add "" in front of this address, which means it becomes this address " php?picurl=”, that’s it. Watch the demo:
How about it? Is the speed okay? I think you won't doubt the stability of Baidu's server, right? Ha ha!

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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