Around 18:00 on the evening of the 28th, I saw a lot of messages in major forums that google, Gmail, and yahoo could not be accessed. I tried to open the gmail web page, but it could not be opened, The same is true for, and the page cannot be displayed.
There was a lot of discussion on the Internet about the incident where telecom users were unable to access Google. It was not until 21:00 that things returned to normal. Regarding the cause of the incident, the first thing most children's shoes think of must be the masterpiece of G-F-W. Because during the period of time when normal access is not possible, it can be accessed using VPN (later some people said that https can also be accessed, but it has been restored and cannot be tested). In addition, those who cannot access this time are all telecom users, and China Unicom users will not be affected.
In fact, in China, we have become accustomed to that wall, so we have become numb and accustomed to this kind of measures, and continue to ignore the existence of the Great Wall. But it’s not Google we’re following, it’s our right to access.
I once read a report saying that China’s Internet is open and free, and I laughed. When we go further and further down the road of seclusion and hiding our ears, why should we talk about opening up?

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