Hostigation is an American VPS hosting provider that has been providing hosting, VPS and server products since 2006. Its predecessor has even been involved in Internet products and services as far back as 1999. Qualifications are important, but products are even more important. So far, Hostigation has received good reviews from users, and the access speed in China is also pretty good.

Every time I go to Hostigation, I have an illusion. This page looks really unreliable! The more you do it, the easier it becomes. In fact, everyone can rest assured that Hostigation’s products are reliable! Currently, Hostigation has released a large number of Los AngelesOpenVZ. The lowest configuration has an annual payment of only 20 US dollars. The annual payment is the same as buyvm. That's pretty much $15.

CPU: 1 cores

Memory: 128MB

Burst memory: 256MB

Hard drive: 10GB

Monthly traffic: 500GB


[Test IP]

Click to go to the hosting provider’s website to order →

The VPS products provided by Hostigation include 2 data centers: Los Angeles (Los Angeles CA) and North Carolina (Charlotte NC). The test IP provided above belongs to Los Angeles. The speed is good.

[Explanation] Sorry for the special description of the picture in the article. A friend reported that the picture clearly stated 30 US dollars a year. Why did you just say 20 US dollars a year, Mr. Zhao? In fact, because Good VPS directly uses the screenshot of the previous article, that article introduced kvm, so the screenshot is the price chart of kvm. I am not mistaken and I am probably fooling everyone~


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