Last year, the Good VPS tribe introduced the foreign free CDN service: In addition to this one, Good VPS has also used another foreign CDN: Incapsula. Friends who are using VPSAA hosting should have received emails from me sharing this CDN service. I always thought that I had shared it on my blog. In addition, VPS resources have been incompetent recently, so I will introduce it today. This is free CDN .
Incapsula has multiple nodes in the United States, the United Kingdom, Israel, Japan and Singapore. Incapsula is very simple to use. First, register an account, then verify your email, and then add Domain name, after the next step, you will get the cname domain name and IP address assigned to you by the system. Such as:

In order to complete the setup, please perform the following DNS changes:
1. Create or update the CNAME record for “”,so that it points to:
2. Point “” A record to122.248.247.129

Incapsula also has a paid CDN. A free account has 50GB of traffic per month, which should be enough for ordinary websites. Moreover, there is no limit on the number of domain names added to an account.
Different from cloudflare introduced before by Good VPS, cloudflare must modify the domain name NS server, but Incapsula is even simpler. You only need to add a cname or A record to the original resolution!
Under normal circumstances, the IPs assigned to free users are American IPs. However, Incapsula has Japanese and Singaporean nodes. Since I am modifying the resolution IP, I think it should not be difficult for everyone to directly use their Asian nodes. Many friends on the Internet have also shared methods, so I won’t go into details.

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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