RegolithMedia is a foreign VPS hosting provider. The domain name has been registered since 2010 and has been established for more than 2 years. Provide VPS products based on KVM architecture. The data center is in Dallas. The domestic speed is good. The lowest KVM-256 package provided by the host provider is only 5 per month. Dollar.
Let’s take a look at the configuration information of this KVM-256 package.

CPU: 1 cores
Memory: 256MB
Hard disk: 10GB
Monthly traffic: 1000GB
1 IP/SolusVM

Test IP:
[Purchase link]
Use the discount code for the above packages : LEBSPECIAL2013 can get 10% off for the first month. In addition, there is a PPN fee of 10% when ordering. I don’t know if it can be waived. Hen uses E3 CPU, 32GB memory and 4 1TB hard drives RAID10+BBU, G port bandwidth sharing.

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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