VortexNode This domain name was registered in GD in 2013 and has been updated this year (the host company said it will be merged into Linovus Holdings Inc this year). The host company recently released a domain name in LET UK Independent server information, the price is extremely low after discounts, although the configuration is not high, but this is an independent server after all, for UKFriends who are in need of regional servers can try it.
Let’s take a look at the configuration and discount information of this machine.
CPU: Intel Atom Dual Core 1.8GHz
Memory: 2 GB
Hard drive: 250GB HD
Monthly traffic: 5TB/100Mbps
IPv4: 3, support IPv6
【Order】Purchase link
According to the hosting provider's LET reply to some readers, it seems that the management of the customer center server includes basic operations, and you can also reinstall the system with one click. If the user wants to install his own ISO, he can borrow KVM, etc. The server will be opened within 12 hours after any review. If you want to buy, don’t use too much false information, the account will be reviewed.