coloAZ is a foreign IDC whose domain name was registered in 2014. It is affiliated to Integrated Endeavors LLC (which has been in the industry for more than fifteen years). The host provider provides independent server rental computer rooms in Arizona, USAPhoenixPhoenixNAP computer room, own hardware and IP, etc. You may rent cabinets in the computer room. Currently, a machine issued by LEB only costs 49 per month. Dollar.
Let’s take a look at the configuration information of this 49-dollar machine.

CPU: Intel Xeon x3470 CPU
Memory: 16 GB
Hard disk: 1TB HDD
Monthly traffic: 2TB/100Mbps
IP: /29 ips
Test IP:   Download link 

[Purchase link]
This is a piece of information from LEB, under verification I found that there is no 2TB option in the order link, only 5TB plus $10, and the bandwidth option of 100M also requires payment. I hope IDC will repair the connection, but the independent server with 2TB monthly traffic is still a bit strange. After all, many VPS give so much.


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