Today, a reader friend encountered this problem and came to consult, so I will record it. The reader's VPS is installed in JungeLNMP1.4 environment. It says that it cannot be accessed. Let me help.
After getting the VPS, I logged in and tried to restart LNMP. As a result, nginx could not be started. The error message was: nginx: [emerg] open() “/home/wwwlogs /nginx_error.log” failed (2: No such file or directory)
This error is actually very intuitive. It prompts that a certain file failed to open. Let’s first check whether the file actually exists. After checking, it was indeed deleted by myself. In order to reduce space usage, the reader deleted all the contents in the home directory except the wwwroot folder. Knowing the specific problem is relatively simple. We recreate the folder and files, and then restart LNMP again, and everything is OK.
I estimate that very few people will encounter this problem, because basically they will not do it... However, we can draw inferences from this problem to determine other simple problems.


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