hostigation is an internet service provider established in 2006. Its products are also very rich, covering hosts, reseller hosts, OpenVZ VPS, XEN VPS and the latest technology KVM VPS, independent server, domain name registration, etc. TodayGood VPSHere we mainly introduce this company’s cheapKVM VPS products.


【Purchase address】

The picture above shows some KVM configurations and prices of hostigation. We can see that this KVM-128 VPS has a memory of 128MB, a hard drive of 10GB, and a monthly traffic limit of 512GB. It is only $3 per month and comes with 2 months for annual payment (that is, 10 months for $30 for 12 months). Good VPS specially sent an email to the official and asked 3 questions: first, whether it can be installed ******)&&, the merchant gave a positive answer ;Second question, give me a test IP. IDC gave a Test IP:, so I tried VPStracert and took the cogentco line. It seems that there are not many Chinese people on this line. The current speed is very good and the ping value is not high. Finally, OK VPS wanted a discount code, but the official rejected it (╯﹏╰)


Similarly, the price of this company's OpenVZ products is also quite good. Here, I will briefly talk about the configuration and price of the lowest configuration OVZ.

This OpenVZ technology VPS uses 256MB guaranteed memory, 384MB burst memory, 25GB hard disk space, 1024GB monthly traffic limit, 1 independent IP address, the price is $4/month, and if you pay annually, it is only $40/year. It's more practical, friends who need it can pay attention.

[KVM and XEN] Regarding KVM, I think everyone knows little about it, just like a good VPS. I went to Baidu to roughly refine it and briefly talk about the difference between KVM and XEN.

Xen is a virtualization solution under Linux that was quickly incorporated into the kernel. The implementation method of Xen is to run a kernel that supports Xen functions. This kernel works under the control of Xen and is called Domain0. After using this kernel to start the machine, you can use the qemu software on this machine to virtualize multiple systems. The disadvantage of Xen is that if you need to update the Xen version, you need to recompile the entire kernel, and if the settings are slightly careless, the system will not start.
KVM is a full virtualization solution, which is much simpler than XEN. It does not require recompiling the kernel or making any modifications to the current kernel. It is just a few .ko modules that can be loaded dynamically. Its structure is more streamlined and the amount of code is smaller. So, there is less chance of errors. And in some aspects, the performance is better than Xen.

I personally feel that this KVM may be similar to Enzu's cloud VPS, but there is no doubt that this one is more cost-effective than the same model from Enzu in terms of price and configuration.


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