In the previous article, Good VPS told you about the application process of's free VPS . Now that we have applied, we can't stop here. Next, let's SSH up and install LNMP. (Most of the following content comes from for your reference)
Installation steps:
1. Download the LNMP one-click installation package:
Yes Choose to use the download version (recommended for foreign or American VPS) or the full version (recommended for domestic VPS). If you use the download version, execute the command wget -c , if you use the full version, execute the command wget -c After executing the above command, the LNMP one-click installation package will be downloaded to the VPS.
2. Decompress the LNMP one-click installation package:
Execute tar zxvf lnmp0.5.tar.gz or tar zxvf lnmp0.5-full.tar.gz to decompress the LNMP one-click installation package.
Please note the third step below: Because we chose the Debian system when applying for VPS, please be careful not to make a mistake!
3. Installation steps under Debian/Ubuntu
Execute the command cd lnmp0.5/ for the download version, and execute the command cd lnmp0.5-full/
for the full version and then execute ./ also You can execute ./ | tee lnmp.log (this method is recommended, you can upload the lnmp.log log to the forum when an error occurs), enter the domain name to be bound, press Enter, and enter the VPS/server location again: asia, America, Europe, Oceania or Africa, press Enter, then enter the MySQL root password to be set, press Enter, and press Enter again to confirm. The program will automatically install and compile Nginx, PHP, MySQL, phpMyAdmin, and Zend software.
The official said the installation took about 10 minutes. When I installed it, in the early morning, it took almost an hour. The difference was too obvious. The installation process requires setting the password of the MySQL root user.
After the installation is complete, we can access our VPS. Probe:
Regarding binding domain names, we have already done so during installation. Entered. Of course, you can also refer to the official LNMP one-click installation package to install other components. I will not describe them one by one. For personal use, you can use FTP or not, just use SFTP. I will talk about it below. SFTP. Take FlashFXP as an example. Look at the picture:

Pay attention to the frame in the picture. Select SFTP as the connection type. Enter your IP address, user and password below, and finally click Connect. A verification prompt will pop up in the middle. Accept it directly. Just save it. Then, we can see the files in our VPS. Here I have entered the root directory, upward, to the root directory, and then home, wwwroot, which is the directory where our website files are stored. Later I don’t think I need to tell you how to do it!
My rice binding demonstration:

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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