Good VPS has told everyone before that you can apply for the 10-day test of free VPS of Many friends have applied for VZ3 high configuration to play. Good VPS is more honest and applied for VZ1. So what is the performance of this VPS? Today, Good VPS will post some test results.
Generally speaking, Russian VPS has a higher ping value in the country, ranging from 300-400ms in various regions. However, the performance of the VPS itself is still very good.
[CPU information]
[Download rate test]
[Disk IO test]
As we can see from the above picture, this VPS has excellent performance in terms of download speed and disk performance. . Because the source I am trying to download is from the United States, it is far faster than the 100M port speed. However, Good VPS also compiles the LNMP Junge one-click package, which takes 50 minutes, which is a bit long. (A friend tested VZ3 in only 25 minutes. It seems to be of high configuration and high quality!) There are quite a few OS options available in the background.
Okay, that’s it for this Russian test. It has been confirmed that China Mobile mobile phones can directly receive the verification code. Previously, the domestic mobile phone that could not receive verification on VPS was China Unicom 3G. You can take a mobile phone and apply for the test!

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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