80VPS is a Chinese VPS host provider that has been shared more frequently by the Good VPS tribe. Basically every official discount information is released here. The host provider provides VPS products based on the XEN architecture. , multiple computer rooms are available in the West Coast of the United States, Hong Kong, and China. Currently, 80VPS has once again released a lifetime 50% discount for Hong Kong computer room VPS, which is applicable to xen512 and above configurations.

After using the discount code, the xen512 package Hong Kong VPS is only 80 yuan per month. Its configuration includes the following information.

CPU: 1 cores
Memory: 512MB
Hard disk: 30 GB
Monthly traffic: Unlimited (1M)
1 IP/Xensystem

Discount code: hkvps50   Test IP:
Click to go to the official website of the vps host →
This discount code is still limited edition and can only be used 20 times. , only applicable to Hong Kong computer room 512MB and above memory packages, all packages support windows or Linux systems. Hong Kong VPS has less bandwidth, but due to the physical distance factor, domestic access speed is very fast, and the ping value is also quite low. It is suitable for friends who pursue ping value and speed.

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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