To build a small website, you need to explore many things. Now I have compiled some special instructions for the major search engines. A good VPS is also a common instruction compiled by Baidu and Google. I have recorded it now and hope to make it for you. Friends who play in small stations can be a little helpful. The following search engine instructions take the good VPS blog ( as an example.
1. Several commonly used search engine commands

Check the inclusion status of the website. If the result returns data, it means that the website has been included. If the returned data is empty, the website has not been included. If it has been included before and there is no data now, it will be deleted from the index by the search engine. People often call them "Ked".

To check external links, generally look at Yahoo for higher accuracy. External links to a specific website are a major factor in obtaining ranking and weight as well as website PR value. Yahoo provides the top 1000 external connection websites!

Enter a page and you can find the date and version recently included by the spider. That is, you can query the last time a search engine included a specific website.
Web pages that are particularly related to a certain web page.

Query the included information of a specific website, recent cache, similar web pages, site links, internal links, and web pages containing domain names.
06. allintext/intext:
Displays all web pages that contain these words in the document. In seo, used to discover relevant sites and potential links. It’s easier to research competitors.

07. allinurl: or inurl:
Retrieve the specific content contained in the URL title of the web page.

08. allintitle: or intitle:
All web pages whose title contains the specified text.

09. allinanchor: or inanchor:
contains all web pages of the specified anchor in the link.

10. define:
This advanced function is rarely used by SEO, but it is still very valuable. It is equivalent to a dictionary. Searching for specified words is equivalent to Baidu Encyclopedia. In Google, you will find it is more accurate than Baidu!
2. Some commonly used search commands of search engines Google, Yahoo, and Baidu are summarized as follows:

①. Use of Baidu
1. Query the total included page

2. Query the link to the target page

3. Query all pages containing the target URL (double quote command)

4. Query the collection status of a certain period
In the advanced search, mainly make the following settings (others can be defaulted)

1) Time: You can choose the last day, week, month, etc.
2) Site search: Enter the target website, such as
5. Keyword usage index query
Enter the target keyword/word/phrase to view the number of user queries for the word on the day, week, month, etc.
( Education and training industry query index:
6. Related keyword query
http:/ /
Enter the target keyword to check the popularity of related keywords
7. Submission of new websites and pages
8. Baidu public favorites (after registering as a member, you can collect and share a valuable web page on our website every day )
9. More commands: skill.html#01

②. Use of Google
1. Query and include command:

2. Query the anti-link command: +:www.vpsok

3. Query all pages containing the target URL (double quote command)

4. Submit a new website/webpage:
5. Popular search index for education: cn/rebang/detail?bid=12100102
6. Query the collection status of a certain period (the usage is the same as baidu) CN
7. Google PR value query
1) Online query:
2) Install google toolbar:
(Note: Select to display the PageRank function during the installation process)
③. Use of yahoo
Website monitoring Use webmaster tools:
After entering the target URL, you can query the number of included pages and external links
intitle command:
intitle The meaning is to search for keywords contained in the title of the web page. For example, if you want to search for content containing "it" in the title, search for intitle:it, and you will search for web pages containing the keyword "it" in the title of the web page.
"" command :
The meaning of "" is to search for web pages containing keywords. For example, if you want to search for content containing "baidu" in the title, search for "baidu", and you will search for web pages containing the keyword baidu.
Search number command

For example, if you want to enter a mobile phone number and IP address in a search engine, you can query the registered address of the mobile phone number and the address where the IP is located.
site command:
The meaning of site is to retrieve and view the number of crawled content of the set website included in the search engine. For example, searching for "site:www.vpsok" can query how many pages of content are included in the search engine.
+ command and domain command
The meaning of + command and domain command is to retrieve the linked pages of the website in the search engine. For example, you want to search for any web pages linked to , you can enter or +
mp3 command
The mp3 command queries the download and audition address of the music. For example, if you want to search for the song "You and Me" "Download trial address, you can enter "mp3:me and you" to query.
inurl command
The inurl command is used to query the keywords contained in the URL. For example, if you search for words containing the keyword "baidu" in the URL, you can enter "inurl:baidu" to query.
④.Other search commands:

Use - to limit keywords that must not appear in the results. For example: Type seo-website, and you will find websites that contain seo but except the website.
Use * to replace all letters to fuzzy search for keywords or keywords that cannot be determined. For example: after typing "free*", related content containing free words will be queried.
Use () to divide multiple keywords into a group and perform priority searches. For example: type "(space + domain name)" to search for information containing "space" and "domain name".
Use and to indicate that the two keywords before and after are logically related by "and". For example, enter the keywords: wordpress and website building, and you will find websites related to wordpress and website building.
Use or (|) to express the logical relationship between the two words before and after them. For example, enter the keyword: Sandan or Godaddy, and you will find web pages that contain Sandan or Godaddy.
The above information can be used in the most practical Baidu search engine.

Baidu query page about the meaning of the code in the URL:
For example, if you search for the keyword "knowledge" on the second page, the URL is as follows: ie=gb2312&ct=0&wd=%D6%AA%CA%B6&pn=10&ver=0&cl=3

Among them:
wd represents the query keyword
cl=3 represents web search
ie=gb2312 represents the encoding of the query input keyword
tn represents
pn represents the number of pages showing search results
rn represents the number of search results displayed on the page
The number of keywords allowed to appear between two specified keywords.
In fact, with so many commands, not many good VPSs have used them. They are just organized. I believe that as long as you use these commands well, you will not be far from success!




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