Jun Ge's LNMP one-click package is the earliest and most frequently installed environment package that I use. Basically all production environments use it. It is basically applicable to all Linux distributions and has no configuration requirements. High, the installation is also one-click and unattended. There are more search solutions for any problems. I am also more concerned about its updates. At present, the official version of LNMP1.6 has been released.

I installed the new version as soon as it came out. Overall, it seems to be not much different from 1.5. One-click installation and execution:
wget http:// soft.vpser.net/lnmp/lnmp1.6.tar.gz -cO lnmp1.6.tar.gz && tar zxf lnmp1.6.tar.gz && cd lnmp1.6 && ./install.sh lnmp
# If you need LNMPA or LAMP, please replace the last lnmp with lnmpa or lamp.

Official page: https://lnmp.org/install.html
During the installation process, the PHP and MySQL versions and passwords will be selected. Depending on the host configuration, the time required is different, usually dozens of times. minutes, so be sure to install and use screen before getting started. After the installation is completed, it is recommended to delete the default homepage and probe files in the default directory. For other uses such as adding a virtual host, installing other components, creating a database, etc., please refer to the official instructions.


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