Today, let’s take a look at the multi-threaded download tools commonly used in Linux systems. It is of great significance to some of our operations. We can use the Axel or lftp tool to achieve it. . Axel and lftp are both powerful HTTP/FTP high-speed download tools under Linux. They both support multi-threaded downloads, breakpoint resume downloads, etc. We will introduce them separately below.


Next, let's take a look at the installation and use of Axel.
Installation under 32-bit CentOS

wget -c
rpm -ivh axel-2.4-1.el5.rf.i386.rpm

Installation under 64-bit CentOS

wget -c
rpm -ivh axel-2.4-1.el5.rf.x86_64.rpm

Installation under Debian

apt-get install axel

Axel includes the following parameters:

-n specifies the number of threads
-o specifies save as directory
-s specifies the maximum number of bits per second
-q silent mode

For example, if we download the lnmp0.9 complete package from VPS and download it with 10 threads, it will be written as:

axel -n 10 –


lftp is also a relatively simple multi-threaded download tool under Linux. It supports ftp, http, https and other protocols. If you need to install lftp, it is very simple.
Installation under CentOS

yum –y install lftp

Installation under Debian

apt-get install lftp

Similarly, if we download the lnmp0.9 complete package and 10 threads as an example, we write:

lftp -c “pget -n 10”
-c  Resume breakpoint
-n Number of threads

In fact, the above multi-threaded download tools are indeed very useful. Although wget is good, it can only be single-threaded. If we download domestic sources from foreign VPS, such as the ISO of the system, the advantages of multi-threading will come out. .

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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