Remember the 10-day free test of the Russian VPS that Good VPS shared last time? In fact, there are quite a lot of free test VPS in Russia, and they usually provide XX days of free testing. Today, I will share another good VPS:
eurobyte1 provides a free 14-day VPS test, which is enough for some trial and error. The difference from last time is that this time Good VPS no longer provides a detailed application process. I just remind you of some things that need attention. You can apply by yourself by referring to Google Translate.
As you can see in the picture below, some of the packages I framed can be applied for 14 days of free testing.
First, we click on the order in the picture to order a VPS. Of course, we do not pay. At this time, an email will be received in the mailbox, which is the VPS management panel address, as well as the login user name and password we set, etc. We choose to log in to the VPS management panel.
Okay, here's what you need to pay attention to. In the picture below, on the left side, VDS, we can see the status of our VPS. In the picture here, it has been activated. If you have not applied for testing, it will not be in this status. We first click on Test Period to apply for a test. Similarly, a mobile phone is required to receive the verification code. I used China Unicom No. 186 to receive it successfully. It is estimated that mobile phones will not be a big problem.
After filling in the verification code received by the mobile phone, the VPS shows that the status is being processed. Then, within a very short time (within 30 seconds) the VPS is activated. Regarding the IP of the VPS, root The user password will be sent to your registered email address. Okay, let’s start the tossing journey. Lao Zhao will post another screenshot of the download rate and disk IO test.
It seems that the port speed is not very good, but it is still 50Mbps, and the disk IO is good, haha.
[Test IP]  (LNMP is being compiled~~~)
So ​​quickly, all Chinese IP registrations have been deleted, including mine, what a tragedy! Tianchao V5!

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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