StyleXNetworks is a foreign VPS hosting provider that has been very active recently. It provides VPS based on the OnApp architecture (the SSD hard disk nodes provided this time are based on the XEN PV architecture). The data center is in Los Angeles . We often publish discounts on WHT. The last 10% off discount code for the first month was released 20 days ago, and the Good VPS Tribe also made simultaneous reports. No, the 10% discount for the first month is here again, but this time it comes with the new SSD hard disk node, please see the information~~~

The 10% discount for the first month provided this time The discount code is applicable to SSD hard drive packages, the lowest one is US$3.95 per month (US$0.4 for the first month)

CPU: 1 cores
Memory: 128MB
Hard disk: 5GB SSD
Monthly traffic: 500GB
1 IP/SolusVM

Discount code: WHTSSD (or LETSSD)  Test IP:
Click to go to the hosting provider’s website→
To be honest, this StyleXNetworks thing is a bit awesome , the data center is also in the West Coast Los Angeles , and the speed is good. The system templates that can be selected in the VPS management panel are not generally numerous and comprehensive, including coludlinux (which is said to be more powerful, and I don’t know how to play it in a good VPS, so I just tried it and use it if I have the ability). In addition, I learned another trick in the global forum today. I can also network-delete, then create a new one and change the IP. It’s very good!
[Final addition] The currently launched SSD hard disk nodes use the XEN PV architecture and use our common SolusVM management panel, which is very convenient. The current IP segment is 198.148.*.* segment, and the ping value is very good.
Readers kindly share other available discount codes:
SXN50OFF     50% off for the first month
35LIFE     35% off for life

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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