WattaServer is a foreign VPS hosting provider whose domain name has been registered since 2013. It is affiliated with ONeilOnline. This one is relatively old and started in 1994. WattaServer provides VPS data centers in its own Seattle and Chicago, based OpenVZ architecture, using SSD hard drives, divided into regular and large hard drive series, free 10Gbps DDoS protection.

WattaServer provides VPS with a minimum annual payment of US$18. Based on everyone's fear of annual payment, I will share a 256M monthly payment package with a monthly payment price of US$3.

CPU: 4 cores

Memory: 256MB

vSWAP: 256MB

Hard drive: 10GB SSD/RAID10

Monthly traffic: 500GB/1Gbps

Virtual architecture: OpenVZ

IP/Panel: 1IPv4/SolusVM

Test IP:

【Purchase link】http://www.wattaserver.com/vpsservers.php

The host provider's VPS data center can choose Seattle or Chicago, of which Chicago can provide IPv6. There are quite a few data centers on the data center page of the official website. Interested friends can check the website directly. I tested the ping locally and found that his Seattle ping was much higher than my ping here in Chicago. Just to complain, it seems that since the day before yesterday, the quality of China Telecom’s overseas visits has declined to a great extent. I don’t know if you have noticed it.


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