IPXcore is a foreign VPS hosting provider. It began to provide VPS products in 2011. Its data centers are in New York and Phoenix in the United States. Good VPS Tribe has introduced several times about the small configuration packages it provides for less than 2 US dollars. Recently, the host company released a 1024MB memory package New York product on LET, which is only 7 US dollars per month.

The configuration information of this package is as follows.

CPU: 4 cores
Memory: 1024MB
vSWAP: 128MB
Hard disk: 30GB
Monthly traffic; 750GB
1 IP/SolusVM

Test IP:
Click to purchase link→
The above packages are from Buffalo, New York, and the ping value of the test IP is good. New users need to review their accounts. At the same time, the host provider has a free 3-day test. You can also find it on its official website. In addition, the hosting provider is quite proud of the efficiency of its response to support tickets. According to their statistics in the past 30 days, the average response time is just over 28 minutes.

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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