First of all, I would like to state that the two picture bed source codes I share with you today are of course not original to me. They were collected from the Internet. I just put them out for everyone to use because I feel they are very good. .
First, please see the demo: Picture bed demonstration 1
Features of this picture bed:
1. Supports the upload of common file types. If you want to add new types, please refer to the MIME content Type (after adding, you can upload files such as mp3, zip, etc.)
2. There is a thumbnail preview before the image is uploaded (only for IE browser)
3. There is also a thumbnail after the image is uploaded, and the size can be set by yourself Certainly. The default setting is 1/2 of the original image
4. You can add a watermark (text or picture) to the image
5. Give the file address after uploading to facilitate your sharing on the Internet. (Moving the mouse to the address bar will automatically copy the address)
6. Added a UBB sticker option. The UBB code of the image will be automatically given after selection, making it more convenient for you to post pictures in the forum
7. Added [ in the image upload directory [ NEATPIC (no data version)], and at the same time, a link to view all pictures has been added to the original homepage, so that uploaders can easily see and manage uploaded pictures.
Installation process:
1. Modify the parameters in index.php in the root directory and index.php in the up folder (this step can be omitted)
2. Upload to the PHP space, if it is a UNIX host , you need to modify the attributes of the up folder to 777
3. Access and use. (Default image management password: 123456 Editable index.php modification in the up folder)
Download address: Click to download
Second, please see the demo: Picture bed demo 2
1. The program is simple and compact, so it requires little space. As long as it can support external links, it will basically work. use.
2. After uploading, thumbnails will be automatically generated and saved on the server, and thumbnail and original image addresses will be provided as well as addresses for forums and web pages.
3. Since the source code seems to be from Germany, some Internet experts have made slight modifications to this program to make it easier for Chinese people to use.
Download address: Click to download
These two picture beds are very good, the source code is very simple and practical, you can try it!

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