It’s server information again. In fact, this email from 84 was sent early in the morning on the 10th. However, on the one hand, I just shared information about his 25% discount on all VPS lines not long ago. On the other hand, everyone knows that he recently The Los Angeles route to China was indeed quite tragic, so I put it down. The price of the 84 independent server information this time is actually the lowest so far. The computer room is in Dunmore (look at the map. This Dunmore is in Scranton, maybe also ScrantonJurisdiction? I honestly don’t know...)
The servers on sale in Dunmore this time range from the $35 E6500 to the $65 I7-2600 , I will compromise and share a $39.95 Q6600.

CPU: Core2Quad Q6600
Memory: 4 GB
Hard drive: 500 GB
Monthly traffic: 5000GB on 100Mbps
IP: 5
Price: $39.95/month

Test IP: (Scranton)
Click to go to the 84 official website →
Everyone selects Dedicated Servers – (DUNMORE, PA) – PROMO OFFERS in the background. If you want to get other regional packages, just It’s not at this price, because the current ping rate in Los Angeles at 84 is higher than that in Scranton, and this model is only available in computer rooms on the east coast, so I didn’t post the IP of Los Angeles. New readers may not understand it very well. 84 is Burst. According to the nickname given by everyone based on the homophonic pronunciation, this is an old American IDC with its own computer room. It sells independent servers, VPS and other products. Regarding the introduction of VPS, everyone You can read my earlier article: Previous situation review , this month all VPS are 25% off.

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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