Friends who often visit the Good VPS community may notice that when others reply to your message here, you have no idea. . . Because, there is no email to notify you. This is really frustrating. I used the WP Mail SMTP plug-in on my blog before. I could receive emails with comments waiting for review, but I couldn't send replies to my friends. I have some free time today to solve this problem.
The specific method is to replace the plug-in: replace wp mail SMTP with cimy-swift-smtp. First, we download the Cimy Swift SMTP plug-in. This plug-in cannot be directly searched and installed from the background. We can download it from the official website address below.
Cimy Swift SMTP download:
Next, let’s introduce the cimy-swift-smtp interface. Please see the background screenshot:
Cimy Swift SMTP
The background setting is very simple. There is even a prompt on the top to set up gmail, which is the same as WP Mail SMTP is similar, but the difference is that the password of WP Mail SMTP is displayed in clear text, which is more secure. After using this plug-in, friends’ messages can finally receive emails from me.

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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