VPSIO is a Chinese VPS hosting provider. Previously, it provided American VPS products, including XEN and OpenVZ architecture, with data centers including Los Angeles webnx, Seattle, etc. Last month, VPSIO launched domestic VPS. After preliminary testing, it is now officially on sale and provides a lifetime 40% off discount code.

The domestic VPS package launched by VPSIO starts from 512MB memory, based on the XEN architecture, and is 101 yuan per month after using the discount code (original price ¥169 yuan/ moon)

CPU: 2 cores
Memory: 512MB
Hard drive: 25GB
Monthly traffic: 200GB
1 IP/SolusVM

Discount code: JULYSALE6 (40% off XEN for life)     OVZ75 (25% off for OpenVZ for life)
Click to go to the hosting provider’s website→
The discount code is valid until the end of July , the domestic VPS provided by VPSIO is located in Yangzhou Telecom, Linux system, the computer room has a whitelist, and domain names need to be registered. However, the host provider also assists in the registration (each user assists in the registration of 1 domain name). Here are screenshots of the download rate and disk IO issues that everyone is more concerned about.
[Port rate] is divided into downloading foreign test files and domestic files
The following is to download domestic files, the first is to download QQ, the second is to download Lishui Telecommunications
[Disk IO] is very powerful

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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