GreenValueHost is a foreign VPS hosting provider. The domain name has been registered since 2012. It provides virtual hosting, VPS and independent servers, among which VPS is based on the OpenVZ architecture, and the data center is in New York . Currently, the host company has released a special package on LET, which supports monthly payment and is only US$2 per month, which is a good price.


Let’s take a look at the configuration information of this $2 monthly plan.

CPU: 4 cores

Memory: 256MB

Burst memory: 512MB

Hard drive: 25 GB

Monthly traffic: 500GB


【Purchase link】

The above package is only available this week, and the quantity is 50 copies. The host company did not provide a test IP in the post, but to be honest, the IP of New York pings a bit high in China (compared to the West Coast) , this package is mainly low-priced and supports monthly payment.

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS

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