WLH is the abbreviation of whitelabelhosting. This domain name is really long, so I will use its three capital letters as the abbreviation. WLH provides OpenVZ and XEN including the Netherlands and the United States. Among them, OpenVZ comes from the Netherlands and the United States Burst computer room, while XEN comes from the United States Phoenix computer room, and the speed is good.
We mainly focus on this $6.99 XEN VPS. Its configuration is:
Memory: 512MB
Hard drive: 25GB
Monthly traffic: 250GB
CPU: e3-1270 Q2 [email protected] 3.4GHz
1 IP/SolusVM
【Purchase link】 http://whitelabelhosting.info/order/cart.php?gid=6
The official does not provide test IP, good VPS is being requested by email. However, Phoenix is one of the best data centers in the United States for mainland China. The speed is still guaranteed. The VPS configuration and price are relatively good. However, the hosting provider of this info domain name can't help but make people a little confused.

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS

Tags: XEN, Phoenix, Burst, whitelabelhosting, WLH

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