efree2net.com is an IDC from the United States. Its main website is located at SoftLayer Technology Company in Dallas, Texas. The VPS product provided is located at T2< in Santa Clara. ept2>computer room. This domain name was registered as early as 2000, but it is unclear what it was doing before. The next renewal time will be about a year later.
The original price of the $10/3-month
VPS mentioned today is $9.5/month, but the official decided to free the first three months and only charge a $10 installation fee. In other words, you pay $10 , you can play for three months. It is relatively cost-effective and suitable for friends who want to play around with it. The following is the configuration of this VPS:

Memory/burst memory: 256MB/1GB
Hard disk: 30GB
Monthly traffic: 300GB
Provide 2 independent IP addresses (can request not to be in the same segment)
Single-core CPU/OpenVZ
Provide A test IP:

I just tracert this IP address, using the cogentco line, and the access speed for telecom users is good.
[Order address]http://www.efree2net.com/linux-vps-openvz.cfm
It is said that this $10 use PayPal payment can be refunded, which means you can use it for free for 3 months (it seems a bit unkind O(∩_∩)O), so I haven’t tried it yet. If you like to toss it, go ahead.
In addition, Good VPS found that they also provide free space , the free space size is 2GB, and the monthly traffic is 20GB. It is required to put the words "Host provided by efree2net" in the footer. It is not a high requirement. It is required. Free space can also be tried.

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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