BudgetVM is an American IDC. Good VPS Group has shared information about its independent servers many times in the past year. In fact, it is a comprehensive network product hosting provider. We have our own computer rooms in Los Angeles, Chicago, Dallas and Miami. In addition to independent servers, we also sell VPS, including OpenVZ , XEN and KVM architecture products.

The VPS provided by BudgetVM initially started with a 128M package with an annual payment of US$15. However, the host provider also gave up on products with too low memory. The current minimum configuration is 512M memory OpenVZ package, the annual price is only $25.

CPU: 1 cores

Memory: 512MB

vSWAP: 256MB

Hard drive: 50GB/RAID10 (SSD cache)

Monthly traffic: 2TB/100Mbps

Virtual architecture: OpenVZ

IP/Panel: 1/SolusVM

Test IP: Angeles)

Click to go to the official website of the VPS host →

One thing to note, I bought one of their windows series last month. It seems to directly manage the VPS through the customer center backend. However, I also used this VPS a long time ago and used the SolusVM panel. Therefore, although I wrote in the configuration Panel, but I am not sure whether OpenVZ is also managed directly by the customer center. The disks used in BudgetVM's VPS are all SSD or SSD cache series. In addition to OpenVZ, there are also XEN and KVM< which can install Windows systems. ept2>Architecture series.

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS

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