Very early on, Good VPS introduced Brother Bird's VPSZZ's three-dollar VPS. However, at that time it was mainly OpenVZ, and VPSZZ's OpenVZ is currently basically out of stock. Last month VPSZZ launched a new domain name. The new domain name with the org suffix mainly provides VPS products based on XEN technology. The server is located in the Phoenix data center in the United States.
Friends who often follow the good VPS tribe should know that the domestic access speed of Phoenix data center is very good and has always been highly praised by me. A basic XEN, Linux system, G port bandwidth launched by, after using the latest discount code, it only costs ¥58 yuan per month.

Memory: 256MB
Hard disk: 20GB
Monthly traffic: 300GB
1 IP/Xensever

The CPU uses X3440. The original price of this VPS is ¥68 yuan/month. After using the 80% lifetime discount code, the price is ¥58 yuan/month.
【Purchase address】
【Discount code】First Monthly 30% discount code: VPSZZ.ORG (August only)   
                  Win2003 VPS 20% lifetime discount code: VPSZZ1
     <x2 >           Linux VPS 15% lifetime discount code: VPSZZ2
Finally, my last test IP Super ping picture (part of the IP address is hidden in the picture)

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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