In the previous article, we briefly talked about Shanda's cloud products. I think everyone, like me, is most concerned about its cloud hosts. Strike while the iron is hot. If you have a good VPS, quickly apply for a cloud host to play with. Come and check it out with me!
First, we log in with our Shanda Pass, activate the cloud host product, and come to the cloud host application management panel. Click "Apply" on the left, as shown below. We first select the required operating system, including linux and windows.
After selecting, click Start Application to come to the following interface. Select the configuration of the cloud host, including the number of applications, model, billing type, public IP selection, login password (if the Linux system is the root password, if the Windows system is the administrator password)
Okay, after everything is ready, in the next step, we can see the following interface. We wait for the application to be completed, which takes about 30 seconds. When the application becomes running, we can see the information of our cloud host.
Good VPS also got a cloud host with Linux system, and I will share some of the performance here. First of all, I need to remind everyone that this cloud host is not free. We choose to pay on demand (traffic, hard disk, memory are all deducted according to need)
[Cloud Configuration/Probe]Since I have already installed the probe, there is no need to post the top and CPU information here. I will post the probe screenshot directly:
[Download speed test]Because I chose Telecom, the download speed of Telecom is amazing, and China Unicom is also "amazing"
[Disk IO test] Very powerful
Overall, this cloud is quite powerful. If you choose dual lines, you should be able to get a better download speed experience. A good VPS has WordPress installed on it. , it feels really good, but the cost... is also relatively impressive. I still don’t put the address, so as not to give up the 100 yuan that I received as a gift. If you want to see it, leave a message for friends who can still open it. Next, I will send it to your email, hehe!

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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