In the early morning of Sunday, let’s continue to talk about server information, following the pace of last year. In November and December of 2013, I wrote the first and second articles about cheap independent server information respectively. From now on, the aggregated independent server information will be classified into this series. Today is the third article. However, today's information has a characteristic. The total price may not be cheap, but the overall cost-effectiveness is obvious. As I said last time, I just collect and share information. I don’t have that much money to buy it for fun. The article is for reference only. Readers purchase at their own risk. If you have any questions, please contact IDC (I really don’t want to read these P’s in every article) talk).

This is very familiar. BudgetVM blog has introduced it many times. It is a relatively popular computer room in the past two years. It provides server rental and self-operated VPS products. It often offers half-price discounts for the first month of servers. It is also an early adopter. Host providers that have driven VPS prices to a low level. This month, the host provider did not provide a first-month discount, but it provided another 25% off lifetime discount. For example, the lifetime price of this machine I will introduce below is $111.75/month. If you plan to hold it for a long time, you can still save a lot.

CPU: E3 1270V3
Memory: 32 GB
Hard disk: 2TB*1
Monthly traffic: 30TB/100Mbps
IP: /29(5 usable IP)

Test IP: (Los Angeles) (Chicago) (Dallas)

Coupon code: 25forlife

Click to go to the purchase link→
BudgetVM has Chinese customer service. In 2014, Alipay payment support was added, making it very convenient for domestic users to purchase. At the same time, all machines in the computer room are provided with free IPMI self-management, and you can reinstall the operating system at any time. There is also a 1Gbps DDoS protection, which is better than nothing. When it's in stock, it's on the BudgetVM machine very quickly. /24 IP can be added for $50.

tags: none

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