123systems is a foreign VPS host provider that provides VPS based on the OpenVZ architecture. The data center is in Dallas. It is not very popular with Chinese people, but Chinese people still like it. I am more concerned and familiar with it, because at the price of 10-15 US dollars per year, there are often products in stock and there are not many to choose from. However, this morning Good VPS discovered that the 192MB package they originally sold for $15 is now marked as $10. I wonder if it is a price reduction or a mistake? What the hell, share first!

It’s still the same, let’s look at the current configuration of $10 annual payment.

CPU: 2 cores
Memory: 192MB
Burst memory: 384MB
Hard disk: 10GB
Monthly traffic: 500GB
1 IP/SolusVM

If you want to buy it, go check it out→
If you need to test the IP, you can ask me for it. I have three of them in different segments, but they are for personal use, so it is not convenient to release them directly. Finally, let me talk about its shortcomings (I have already mentioned the advantages: cheap! An IP costs only 10 US dollars a year). At present, the shortcomings I have collected include the following: first, you cannot pay directly with PP, you have to transfer to 2checkout, and it seems that you cannot pay with PP without a card; second, the things are relatively average (the chicken room is in Dallas), OpenVZ is definitely oversold, but so far, there are not many downtimes; thirdly, the support is not particularly strong, which is normal when you think about it. The service is $10 for one year. Now I write more about the shortcomings and less about the advantages, just to avoid risks. There are many professional trolls, so I don’t want to explain it.
[Important update] Oh my god, the 128 configuration was no longer available the day before yesterday, but it is available again today, and it’s $5 a year. Damn it!
10.9   Today, a friend reported that it was not activated immediately. I went to try it out and it was indeed a problem. I paid, but it was not activated. I initially suspected that he did not have an IP, or the hen could no longer access it. It has been added, so please do not place any more orders and pay for now! Wait for my further updates.

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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