Regarding W2, there seem to be only negative reviews in China, and the problems mainly focus on two aspects: one is the risk of being lost, and the other is the time it takes to be put on the shelves. Many friends who bought W2 mentioned that they could not be put on the shelves for a long time. A good VPS seemed to have an RP explosion. It was activated within 24 hours of placing the order, although it was not in the region I wanted (middle Communicate with customer service to change), but finally got it up.
It has been more than a week since the VPS was opened, so I would like to make a simple evaluation.
First of all, the access speed is good. The access speed of the Seattle computer room in China is indeed very good, and the ping value is not high. There is no doubt about this. I installed LNMP and then a photo station. Many friends said that the opening speed is very fast.
However, the TUN/PPP promised by WHT advertising has not been turned on, which is annoying and I have not been able to test it. (Currently communicating with TK)
Another serious problem is the bandwidth problem. From the time of purchase to now, the wget 100MB test file has not run more than 500k/s. This is not a 10MB port at all (W2 some promote 100MB ports, many of which are 10MB unlimited, everyone pays attention).
I was bored just now and explained the bandwidth problem to W2 in a very angry tone. After several TKs, the bandwidth was finally solved and the current download speed can be stabilized at 1.1-1.2m/s. What's more depressing is that at first they told me that they had adjusted it for me and asked me to test it. The download speed was above 10m/s. It seemed that they had opened a 100MB port for me. Take the initiative to help me reduce it to 10MB level, which is now 1.1-1.2m/s, dizzy! The efficiency of solving problems is not high, but it is still very fast to do this! Take a screenshot of the last TK to see how patient I am:
This time TK solved TUN by the way, but PPP was not solved at the same time. It’s so annoying! Current download test:
Some friends asked me, is W2 worth buying? I'm still confused about this issue. If you put aside the issue of running away, W2 is undoubtedly extremely valuable, so it is up to you to decide whether to buy it or not!

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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