VPSSLIM.com is a foreign VPS hosting provider. The domain name has been registered since 2010. The main website is located in the Netherlands, and the VPS data center provided is also in the Netherlands. The host provider provides VPS products based on the OpenVZ architecture. Currently, you can get price discounts and double monthly traffic discounts when ordering. After the discount, the 1GB memory package is only 4.99 euros per month.


Let’s take a look at the configuration and discount information of this 1GB memory package.

CPU: 4 cores

Memory: 1024MB

vSWAP: 1024MB

Hard drive: 100GB/RAID10

Monthly traffic: 2000GB/1Gbps

Virtual architecture: OpenVZ

IP/Panel: 1/SolusVM

Discount code: DOUBLEBWM-MONTH-BASIC-MARCH2014   Test IP:

【Purchase link】http://clients.hostslim.eu/cart.php?a=add&pid=103

This discount code is really long enough... The discount code is a lifetime discount, and the renewal price is the same. The hosting provider has a 7-day money-back guarantee and a 99.99% network online guarantee, supports VPN*P*N, and users can pay using PayPal. The domestic access speed of VPS in the Netherlands is average. In addition, I am not sure whether this company can resist complaints. If you have this need, you can contact the host provider to ask.

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS

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