Tencent Cloud ’s flash sale activity is still going on. We have occasionally shared the two events before. There are indeed some cost-effective options in this round of events, such as the Shanghai 8G on the 18th. Three years of memory with 5M bandwidth is only 1,449 yuan. In this afternoon’s event, there are special packages available in Beijing and Guangzhou. Among them, the one in Guangzhou with a three-year payment of 1,179 yuan is quite cost-effective.

Let’s take a look at the configuration information of this discount host.

CPU: 2 cores

Memory: 8GB

Hard drive: 50GB cloud hard drive

Bandwidth: 2M

IP: 1 public IP

Region: Guangzhou

Price: 1179 yuan/3 years

Activity page:Order directly

***This event officially starts at 15:00. The flash sale event is from October 17th to 26th. There are two events per day. The price of the promotional model is different for each event every day. If you are interested, you can also pay attention to the event page above.

Flash sale rules

Target audience: Domestic website users who have registered on the official website of Tencent Cloud and completed real-name authentication can participate (except for collaborators);

Event time: From October 17 to October 26, 2018, there are two flash sales every day, the times are: 9:00-12:00, 15:00-18:00 (excluding weekends).

Flash sale instructions:

  1. Flash sale discounts cannot be combined with other discounts, and vouchers cannot be used;
  2. If the payment is not completed within 15 minutes of the order, it will be automatically closed. Please pay as soon as possible after placing the order; if the order is canceled after reaching the purchase quantity and frequency limit, the corresponding number of purchase qualifications will be restored after 10 minutes;
  3. During the flash sale event, the same user (the same mobile phone, email address, and real-name authentication user is regarded as the same user) is limited to selecting one product and purchasing one unit per flash sale. The same user can buy up to one flash sale for each configured product;
  4. Configuration upgrades and renewals are performed according to the normal purchase process on the official website;
  5. Flash sale products do not support refunds;
  6. The cloud server configurations in the flash sale area are standard S2 models, 50G system disks (high-performance cloud hard drives); bandwidth configurations include 1Mbps, 2Mbps, 5Mbps, and 10Mbps;
  7. In order to ensure the fairness and impartiality of the activities, Tencent Cloud has the right to take back cloud resources from users who maliciously snatch event resources (such as through technical means such as programs), have idle resources for a long time, or use resources to engage in illegal activities.


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