Continuing to buy independent server information, I found that everyone's demand for servers is becoming increasingly urgent. This can be seen from the direct QQ consultation situation. Today's article is unique. Before, I have been writing about independent server rentals sold directly by foreign IDCs or computer rooms. Today's article is all about the rentals sold by Chinese IDCs. The benefits of buying from Chinese IDCs are also obvious. Payment is direct. Alipay, if you have any questions, you can also submit a work order in Chinese. The ones introduced today are either high-level agents in computer rooms who can get lower prices, or they have their own cabinets and networks. Please read the introduction.

PaulHost Paul Host blog has introduced it several times. It is a rapidly growing Chinese IDC. It currently operates its own machines in Los Angeles and Seattle in the United States, with its own hardware, network and IP resources (AS62900). In addition to selling products such as VPS and virtual hosts, PaulHost also provides independent server rental. There is currently a machine on sale in Seattle for only 399 yuan per month.
CPU: Dual L5420(8 cores)
Memory: 16GB
Hard disk: 500GB*1
Monthly traffic: 5TB/100Mbps
IP: 5 (test IP:
【Official website】
The initial number of IPs is 5, and you can add /28, /27, /26, /25, etc., the price is 3 yuan / piece, all machines All are PaulHost's own resources, including network bandwidth and IP, with sufficient inventory. If you need this machine, you can directly contact the official online customer service to find out.

When you see YunDC, you may have the impression that their COM suffix domain name is a Chinese site and sells VPS products based on the XEN architecture. However, few people pay attention to the NET suffix English site. YunDC has also been publishing this site on WHT Independent server information, mainly selling Korean independent servers, with a minimum monthly payment of US$89, but the one I share below is US$149.
CPU: E3 1230V2
Memory: 4 GB DDR3
Hard disk: 500GB*2
Monthly traffic: 10M unlimited
Free KVM-IPMI (Remote reboot, install OS)
IP : 1 (Test IP:
[Official website]
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In fact, I have always wanted to write a similar one and collect the ones sold by Chinese people. I rented a server in the United States, but when I wrote it, I found that there was less content. In fact, there are some good agents. Some of them do not have independent websites and are difficult to introduce, but the people are still very reliable; some of them have sent me emails before, but they are currently out of stock. Yes, it's a pity. There will be no new articles about Chinese IDC selling American machines. If there is more suitable information, I will update this article.

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS

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