After I bought Burst VPS and installed LNMP the day before yesterday, I felt that this was really troublesome and not suitable for a novice like me. Hey, what should I do? Of course, there is a simpler management panel, which is Kloxo.
Kloxo, originally also called Lxadmin, was later upgraded and renamed kloxo. It is an open source lightweight VPS control panel. Open source, efficient, and free are its absolute advantages. Using Kloxo to manage Linux servers can not only reduce the cost of using Linux servers/VPS, but it also makes it easier for you to control the server. BurstNET VPS $5.95
Because the OS and environment have been installed on my VPS, we need to start over, just like reinstalling the hard disk format, log in directly to the VPS panel, click OS Reload, and that’s it. We chose to install Centos-5. The system was installed quickly. Then follow our KLOXO installation tutorial to install and use KLOXO step by step!

1. Uninstall the original environment (this step depends on the status of your current server or VPS)

If your VPS is installed with the full version of centos, it already comes with apache and other components. If we want to use the server components that come with kloxo, we need to uninstall the apache, mysql, etc. that come with it first.
Uninstall Mysql

# rpm -qa | grep mysql
# yum remove mysql

Uninstall Apache

# rpm -qa | grep httpd
# yum remove httpd

Uninstall PHP

# rpm -qa | grep php
# yum remove php

Note: If it cannot be uninstalled during uninstallation, the system will generally prompt the dependencies of the package and list the names of the dependent packages. Just uninstall the packages that prompt the dependencies first. If there are really packages that cannot be uninstalled, you can add the -nodeps parameter to uninstall them, such as uninstalling php-5.2.6-11. If you really can’t uninstall them, use:

rpm -e php-5.2.6-11 -nodeps

2. Install Kloxo

(The above command is to download the KLOXO installation file)
sh ./
(start installation)

【2011.12.1 Update】Attention: The above sources may not be downloadable, please use the latest commands to download and install.

# wget
# sh ./ --type=<master/slave> --db-rootpassword= PASSWORD

The advantage of overseas hosting is that the speed of downloading overseas sources is very fast. The download speed on VPS is 7M/S
The above command will complete the installation of Kloxo. After the installation, in addition to installing Kloxo, you are also basically installed. A series of server software such as Apache, Lighttpd, MySQL, Xcache, Bind, Djbdns, etc.

3. Small optimization

yum install php-mhash
yum install php-mbstring
yum check-update (check for updates)
yum update (update all updates)
yum install php-bcmath (more important php components, default Not installed)
yum clean all (clean the installation package)

It is now time to exit your terminal and log into your Kloxo control panel.



Zend can be enabled in PHPConfig in the Kloxo backend, and Apache can be selected from SwichProgram. It is recommended to select lighttpd and bind first and then select apache and djbdns back, otherwise you will see a high memory usage. Newbies are advised to use Apache, 99% of which can support the rewrite rules of .htaccess.


Tutorial on installing kloxo Chinese language pack
1. Use ssh to log in to your VPS
2. Enter the lang directory:

$ cd /usr/local/lxlabs/kloxo/httpdocs/lang

3. Download the language pack:

$ wget

4. Unzip:

$ unzip
(If the unzip command is not installed, please execute yum -y install unzip to install it)

5. Visit http://yourIP:7778/ to set the lxadmin language
, select Chinese in Appearance->Language, and then click update to confirm.
Ok, our KLOXO installation tutorial is here. After installation, the panel login username and password are both admin. When you log in to the KLOXO backend for the first time, you are asked Change the default password (admin), you can change it to your own simple and easy to remember password!
 【2012 Update】 The latest version. After installing it, many friends found that after adding a domain name and uploading website files to the root directory, accessing the domain name is always the KLOXO default page, even if all files are deleted. , you can access the default page. There are really many problems with the new version of kloxo. Regarding this problem, you can solve it by switching programs in the administrator interface. First change apache to lighttpd, and then switch back (pay attention to whether apache is started, if not, start it manually), and it will be fine.

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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