10 Tips to Increase Google Adsense CPC Revenue

  Want to increase Google Adsense CPC (Cost Per Click) and make more money? Adsense optimization solves this problem. When we talk about Adsense optimization, there are many ways to achieve it, but the main goal is to get higher eCPM and thus higher revenue per click (CPC). Also, even though your Adsense CPC is high, you may not make any money.

IE6, tell me how to love you

I have always been a fan of Microsoft IE. Because of the habit, it has become a habit just like QQ. I have used it for a while before and I feel that IE is simpler. But today I made a png logo and found that , it is not transparent under IE6! It’s really depressing! But I have no problem using Firefox. Here are the screenshots of my two browsers:

A sharp contrast. ah! The same picture and the same website have different effects in different browsers. I am completely speechless.

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