ZPanel: Free Hosting Management Panel

First of all, I wish you all a happy May Day holiday. Let me tell you at the beginning that this is a reprinted article. The original author has written the whole process in great detail. Even if you don’t understand Linux, you can just log in and copy and paste. It can be completed easily. , so I decided to reprint it intact. ZPanel is a free virtual host panel. VPS gave a brief introduction to it in October last year.

VPS Beginner Tutorial ⑨: KVM uses VNC to install CentOS system

Recently, I met some friends who purchased KVM architecture products and left messages. They reported that they were cheated. After purchasing KVM, they could not log in via SSH or ping, and so on. In fact, this is due to the lack of understanding of KVM architecture products. Compared with OpenVZ and XEN (PV), KVM has greater autonomy.

GetVM: 55 yuan XEN-1024MB/50GB/1500GB/2IP Phoenix

GetVM is a Chinese VPS hosting provider newly opened this year. It provides VPS products based on the XEN architecture Xensystem system. Last month, the good VPS tribe also introduced him to use WHMCS+Xensystem. Currently, It seems that they abandoned WHMCS and went directly to Xensystem like most Chinese IDCs.